Revamp Your Homepage to Gain More Traffic

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Yes, you read right this post is: Revamp Your Homepage to Gain More Traffic!

I rarely, rarely write on blogging. For one, I still feel really new at this. For two, even though my B.S. is in Education, I’m not great at explaining things. Except for baking, I love to teach the boys about baking. For the most part, I get impatient and skip over steps.

But, I really felt compelled to write this after visiting numerous blogs that I find very difficult to navigate.

Revamp your Homepage to Gain More Traffic

In general, your homepage is the first impression a reader gets when visiting your blog. Make the most of that visit.

The first thing I want you to do is to look at your blog like it’s the first time you’ve ever visited it. Or, better yet, have a friend that hasn’t visited your blog look at it. Then answer these questions.

Revamp Your Homepage to Gain More Traffic

  • Is it easy to navigate? Think of an old, random, unpopular post and try to find it. Can you? How long did it take?
  • Is your website organized and the homepage well designed? On some sights that have a static homepage, I get stuck and don’t know where to go to find the content. If readers can’t find information, you have only seconds before they leave.
  • How can readers communicate with you? Do you have a ‘Contact Me’ tab? Does it work? After a recent update, my contact form stopped working. Fortunately, a friend told me. Check these items often.
  • Is the information easy to find? Are tabs and categories labeled clearly?
  • Do you have a search box? Does it work?
  • Is your blog pleasant to the eyes? Are the colors compatible? Is the font easy to read, or is it curly and distracting? Is your sidebar too cluttered with ads?
  • Are the widgets loading fast and properly? Or, are plugins and widgets slowing down your site? Check your site speed here.
  • Can readers easily follow you or sign up for updates via email or RSS? You’re losing traffic if the answer is no! Have you checked the social media icons recently? Go ahead, click on them and see if they’re working. I’ll wait right here!
  • Is your title, logo, and tagline consistent with your brand? When people visit, do they immediately know who you are and what you’re about? Find artwork, illustrations, and information that clearly and effectively communicate this.
  • Are you using good-quality, large pictures?
  • Is the stats on your Sponsor page up to date? Can someone easily purchase ad space with you or contact you for information?

There’s More…

And, in completely unrelated news, when was the last time you backed up your blog? Of course, you should back up before any updates or major changes. I believe you should also update at minimum once a month, that way if anything *gasp* awful happens at least you will have only lost four weeks or less in content! Set a remember on your cell phone to remind yourself. (I have a reminder on my phone on everything. If I lose my phone, I’d lose my mind!)

Look at your site objectively. A ‘no’ to any one of these questions, could mean your readers aren’t staying as long as you’d like on your blog. You work hard on the content, and make sure your entire site and your entire brand reflect your hard work!

My blogging Pinterest board is a good resource for you too.

See Fall Tablescapes, How to paint bottles, and my recipe index.


  1. Hi Paula, great post… I really need to improve my site, as I’m a beginner. Your check list is very clear: I’ll use it!
    thanks for sharing!

    1. Thank you so much. I still feel like a beginner on the technical side of things, happy you found it useful!

  2. Awesome post Paula, this is a great reminder to give some love to our own blogs! Each one of those questions are so important to check! Thanks so much for sharing this!


    1. Thanks so much, Camila. I have to remind myself to look at it like a first time visitor would and see if it’s easy to navigate.

  3. I do believe I am doing this all correctly, maybe minus the rather busy side bar. But I have yet to figure out how I can utilize the bottom banner portion of my web site!

    1. Your site looks fab. I struggle with the bottom as well, I think it just doesn’t get viewed much. Have you ever tried a banner ad down there? I was wondering if it would make much.

    1. Are you on blogger? I don’t know how to on wp, but I did finally figure it out on blogger, If I can remember I’ll send instructions.

  4. Paula, this is a great article. My homepage needs some tweaks, but overall is pretty good. How did you create the tab Recipe Index? and Then get all of your recipes to link under all the photo boxes? I really like that.

    1. Becca, plug in your blog url on that site I gave you. It help me tweek my load time and get rid of some of my slow plugins.

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