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Time Management is basically managing distractions. The Top Tips for Time Management help to improve how you work, control distractions, and help concentrate on the task at hand.

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Time Management Tips that really work

What a man accomplishes in a day depends upon the way in which he approaches his tasks.
~ Arland Gilbert


Basically, my number one biggest tip for Time Management is

1. Put a Timer on It!

Yes, you heard me. Set your timer and allow only a set amount of time for a task. When I was younger, I started doing this for chores I didn’t like; mopping, unloading the dishwasher, folding clothes. Now, I do it to stay on task. All you moms know how difficult it is to stay focused with kids demanding your attention. Whether it’s emptying the dishwasher, cleaning like guests are coming, or blogging. I find that I’m a zillion times more efficient if I allow myself only a certain amount of time for a task.

2. Multi-task 

  • Plan your day during your morning run or exercise routine. When you get home, write down your list or a rough schedule of what you want your day to look like.
  • Catch up on your favorite shows or the news while on the treadmill or stationary bike.
  • Pick up out-of-place items as you walk through rooms and place where they belong.

3. Make lists and prioritize

One of the best ways to become productive is make a To-Do list. Having a list of tasks helps keep you intentional about what you work on. I keep lists on my phone since it’s always with me and add deadlines and goals for certain tasks. There is a sense of accomplishment when you check those tasks off!

4. Manage distractions

Monitor time on the phone and social media

5. Use the Internet wisely

Pay bills, shop, balance checkbook, order photos, order medications all at your fingertips online.

6. Get organized

  • Plan weekly/monthly commitments for yourself and family members
  • Keep a perpetual grocery list in a convenient place. When you run out of something, immediately put it on the list. I hate not having what I need for a recipe.
  • Post a chore chart for kids. Kids of any age can do chores. The earlier you start them with chores the less resistance you’ll have implementing them as they get older.
  • Map out a weekly menu for your family taking into account the week’s upcoming events. (more on this later)


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  1. Do you realize that this could be a sunday school lesson? You have a gift and a calling on your life, as we all do. Im tickled to death that you are answering youts! Kudos, paula mac! Im inspired by you!

  2. I LIVE by a timer… at least for the things I don't want to do but HAVE to. Thank you, I thought it may help someone.

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